Monday, January 24, 2011

Yesterday in Today

Yesterday the hubby and I went into Manhattan and spent the day doing some things we've been holding off. We started out the day having bruch in the Macaron Cafe. The Macaron Cafe is this cute little hole in the wall type place where it really should be standing room only but somehow they managed to fit a booth or two, the ambiance was pleasant and there was lots of pink! I imagined it being a cafe where Marie Antionette, herself would proudly be seen in and just as I thought it I see her resemblance smiling at me from a card stock menu. The Brunch we had consisted of a chocolate croissant for me along with a steaming cup of dark chocolate milk and Lee (my husband) had a cup of fresh french pressed coffee and a nutella crepe. The food was yummy but nothing amazing and after eating I got down to business for the items we originally came for. Les Macarons. The Cafe had so many flavors that it was too hard choosing only 6 but I managed selecting some freaking awesome yummy flavors and have a mental list of flavors I have to try at a later date. The flavors I chose were Honey Lavender, Chocolate Passion Fruit, Espresso (for the hubby. i don't "do" coffee), Rose, Caramel and White Chocolate. At 6 macarons for $13 I couldn't buy as many as I would have liked but I'm positive that there will be more reviews about the Macaron Cafe in the future.


marie antoinette-ish pic

yummy dark chocolate milk

after brunch we headed further uptown to the American Museum of Natural History which really should forever be known as the museum from the movie with Ben Stiller! It was a good time for as good of a time as a museum can be. I wish I enjoyed it more but I guess my attention span won't allow it. My husband however, was in heaven! He's like a little kid in a candy store when it comes to dinosaurs and fossils. I go for him and only him.

my sexy husband

Dinner was kind of a bust in a way, and then in a way not.... For months now I had been looonging to eat at this place in SoHo and finally yesterday I had the chance!!! bust the place was super tiny and super loud, we had to order our food and sit in these funky chairs until our name was called. Luckily the "Mac Lobsta"(macaroni and cheese with lobster chunks) was superb but I just didn't feel as if we enjoyed it as much as we could have with a more inviting environment. Honestly, who can eat comfort food while being uncomfortable?! Anyways, after our mac & cheese trial we decided to head next door to a chic little bar and bistro and have a real dinner. We shared a "bucket" of gourmet fried chicken that had a southern twist with its side of coleslaw, jalapeno cornbread and homemade ranch dressing. It was really tasty and was a nice relaxing way to finish our night.

We headed back out into the cold and on our way to the subway station we came across some very helpful advice

Don't Eat The Yellow Snow. lol

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