i LOVE terrariums.

like seriously i cannot get enough of them. i think they are the coolest little things ever and i've been DYING to own one or two or three! lol
i first discovered terrariums at the Brooklyn Flea. There was a stand called Twig Terrariums and they had so many awesome designs that i stood there talking with the lady for a while. the starter kits were only like $15-$25 but i had only credit on me and didn't get one. they've always stayed in my mind and finally i decided it was time to own some! I bought and found everything i needed to create these little gems. the only i'm missing are the little figurines that i'm picking up this weekend at a local hobby shop.
I found my tutorial at kokokoKids via pinterest and went from there.
here's what you'll need:
bottles: with or without lids
craft moss, live moss, pepples/gravel, carbon rocks(fish tank cleaning), spray bottles, decor
you can buy moss or you can do what i did and go into the forest and just dig some up.
usually you're going to start by putting a layer of gravel in your container. (i skipped that step because i ran out.)
next you'll put a thin layer or carbon rocks to help with the filtration in the container (to avoid mold)
after the rocks we'll put a layer of soil
take your craft moss and drench it in water
squeeze out all water leaving a damp clump of moss
evenly disperse moss in container
add a some more carbon rocks to increase filtration
*not pictured* add another fine layer of soil you'll need this so the moss has something to cling on to
take your live moss and place it in the container.
add rocks and other decor.
et voila! your terrarium!!!!
please note that all measurements are up to YOU! it's your piece of art and you can put however much of whatever you'd like.
caring for your terrarium.
if your terrarium has a cover than you will only need to spritz it once or twice a week. if uncovered with a wide mouth probably spritz once a day.
the moss will pretty much take care of themselves and does not need direct sunlight.
I'm definitely going to try this. Those things are so friggen cute :X Now to find some empty jars...
Castle Fashion
so glad to hear it! empty jars are easy to find at thrift stores. i hope you post pictures when you make them!